Return Policy
You may return most new, unopened items for a full refund within 30 days of delivery. These items should be in their original packaging and have their serial number or UPC. Special order returns are at our discretion on a case by case basis. If you would like to make a return or exchange, you should contact us by phone or email before returning your items.
All returns will be subject to a 30% restocking fee. Items returned to us without notification may not be eligible for a refund or exchange.
Returns will not be accepted on items that are:
All returns will be subject to a 30% restocking fee. Items returned to us without notification may not be eligible for a refund or exchange.
Returns will not be accepted on items that are:
- Opened or used
- Electrical components
- Damaged
- Missing their serial number or UPC
- Special orders (returned at our discretion)
- Returned more then 30 days after delivery
- Returned without notification